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Mosquito Control & Extermination in Winston Salem, Kernersville & Clemmons, NC

A cartoon mosquito is smiling and looking at the camera.

Need Mosquito Control Services in Winston Salem, Kernersville & Clemmons, NC

Call us for fast, reliable mosquito control services

If going out in your yard is uncomfortable due to a mosquito infestation in Winston Salem, Kernersville, Clemmons, NC and surrounding areas, you should turn to Salem Pest Solutions, LLC for effective mosquito control services.

Don't wait for the problem to get worse - take advantage of our mosquito control services to protect your home.

3 signs your home has a mosquito infestation

Get effective mosquito extermination services in Winston Salem, Kernersville & Clemmons, NC

Wondering how to tell if your home needs mosquito control services? Call Salem Pest Solutions when you notice:

  1. Presence of Mosquito Larvae: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, which serves as a breeding ground for mosquito larvae. If you notice stagnant water sources such as puddles, clogged gutters, bird baths, or flower pots containing water, inspect them for mosquito larvae.
  2. Can't hang out outside without being covered in mosquito bites
  3. Resting Sites: Inspect these areas around your property for mosquito resting sites. Additionally, mosquitoes may also seek shelter indoors, hiding in dark, secluded areas such as closets, basements, or crawl spaces.
  4. Breeding Sites: Mosquitoes require standing water to breed, so identifying and eliminating potential breeding sites is crucial in controlling infestations. Check for sources of standing water both indoors and outdoors, including flower pots, rain barrels, discarded tires, birdbaths, and neglected swimming pools.

If you find ants running around your house in various locations, you need to call a qualified exterminator ASAP. You can rely on us for all your indoor and outdoor ant control needs.

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